CaptainGreg Bieluczyk Polish 0
ChefAgnieszka Sieradzka Polish 0
Number of Crew: 3Languages: English, Polish

Crew Profiles:
Captain - Greg
Being born just by the seaside, Greg has been sailing all his life. When he was younger, he was racing in regattas as a part of the professional Polish sailing team, where he gained the experience to cope with every possible weather condition and learned to overcome any difficulties. He has sailed thousands of miles on different seas and oceans. We could risk the statement that he has spent more time on the water than on land, but who’s counting, right?

Seventeen years ago, he gave up his role as director of a big international company and started to live on his boat permanently, organising commercial sailing trips. He realised that life is too short to spend it in the office, and the world is too beautiful to leave it unexplored. He crossed the Atlantic many times, both ways, and since then counts his “job” as a professional skipper.
Greg is an International Sailing School Association (ISSA) instructor with the possibility of issuing a skipper certificate as well as a captain with no limits and an instructor accredited by the Polish Sailing Association. Having Greg as their captain, guests will experience his remarkable sailing and mooring skills and surely feel safe in any weather conditions.

Chef - Aga
A film producer in “previous life," joined Greg eight years ago when she came for a sailing holiday on board’s Greg’s boat and never left! Since that moment, it has been her job to take care of all guests and make them feel at home – something she’s certainly a natural at. She will show guests all the hidden gems, take care of all the logistics around the trip, and solve any issue that may occur. She will explain what each island has to offer, as well as recommend the best viewpoints and local spots. Her enthusiasm to give guests the best high quality sailing experience on Zorba Cat is unquestionable, and her love of Greece from the water is truly infectious!

Aga is the chef on board cruises. Guests can expect delicious, healthy, fresh, and truly local meals (often said to be the reason for returning on board Zorba Cat). The products used on board are organic, some of them homemade, while others are bought at local fresh vegetable and fish markets or come directly from local friend’s gardens. Aga, using her nutrition knowledge, will do her best to provide healthy, mouth-watering meals that not only influence the body's well-being but also feed the soul.
Her motto: from the farm to Zorba's table!!! She uses healthy/local food for preparing healthy (and delicious) local meals by not using inflammatory products like processed foods, white sugar, white flour, flavor enhancers. She cooks only with olive oil, coconut oil or ghee (no pro-inflammatory oils like sunflower) and limits glucose spikes in meals (to prevent/fight diabetes) etc. Aga uses FETA cheese made by her friends mother from her own goats milk, and in general it is a pleasure for her to accommodate any dietary needs, as she knows what it means to live gluten free.

Deckhand: Tomasz Łukaszewski

Tomasz is a 45 years old individual from Poland and is the experienced deckhand to complete the crew on Zorba cat. He speaks fluent English and brings a wealth of sailing expertise to the team. With two decades of seasonal work on various sailing vessels, including Zorba cat, he has proven himself to be a reliable and dedicated deckhand. His calm demeanor and hard-working nature make him an easy-going presence on board, always committed to ensuring the comfort and safety of everyone on board. His impressive sailing resume includes crossing the Atlantic as a deckhand on a sailing yacht and numerous deliveries across the Mediterranean. Additionally, he has extensive sailing experience in the Caribbean, Cabo Verde, the Mediterranean, and the Baltic Sea. Having been friends with Greg and Aga for the past 16 years, we are confident that he is a valuable and trustworthy addition to the crew.